Christmas cards from the Children´s house Racek

December - we surprised the children from Children´s house Racek during rehearsals of Christmas party on Sunday afternoon when we decided to reward the authors of the three the most beautiful Christmas wishes which the "jury" from the ARROW mobile´s staff evaluated. We would like to thanks to Mrs. Director who kept the results secret from children and her colleagues until our meeting. It was very difficult decision, all 14 pictures which were painted by the children were really wonderful. Finally the first place won Lukáš (7 y.o.) with the motif of Bethlehem in the night, followed by Róza (9 y.o.) with the motif of green Christmas and the third place won Růžena (14 y.o.) with the Christmas bells. We handed gifts to the winners of which they were very happy and we firmly believe that it will support them in their unbelievable talent. Eventually we didn´t forget the other children as well. And the childrens´ X-mas cards? They were printed and are already flying to our clients and business friends all over the world. Merry Christmas.


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